Thursday, 27 December 2012

Union Jack gone blue

So got this one finished! It would be nice to find a matching chair, but until then...

Monday, 24 December 2012

Christmas Eve Update

I know it's been awhile...I've been very busy refinishing my den...which I will eventually post pics of...I have to attempt to make it "magazine page" ready though...EEK!

In the meantime, here is what I've been up to, plus just a few other goodies to look at!

 This end table matches a coffee table a did a few months ago.

This is my 8 month old puppy Wilson! He is VERY excited for his first Christmas! 

This is my latest Union Jack Project. I'm finished painting it, but am undecided on how I'm going to finish it.

These are a few projects I have awaiting me in my garage...

And a buffet I might get around to painting...
And my Christmas Tree as of December 24th!

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Our First Christmas Tree

So, I live in a very small house, thus, we got a very small tree, but I think it turned out perfectly! My husband swore up and down we HAD to have red ornaments, but I avoided it long enough for him to see that all the copper, gold and platinum ornaments are perfect and red would just ruin it :)

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Pretty in Pink

Michelle, at Diamonds & Toads is doing a stunning job decorating her store for Christmas, and Flo happens to fit in perfectly!

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

The Beginnings of Christmas Joy

So we don't have a tree up yet because we want a real one and it's too early for that, but I've been very busy decorating my little abode. Considering this is our first Christmas in our own home, I'd say we're doing pretty well as I'm starting from scratch.

Also, on a different note, my furniture is now located in it's new home at Whimsical Furnishings. Check them out!